Fulcrum Beach [10466] - Event Details

April 10, 2021
Beach Volleyball Event
April 10, 2021
17829 Park Valley Dr, Round Rock, TX


Fulcrum Beach Open
Austin, TX

Divisions: Men's Open;

Note: The address isn't quite right. If you haven't been to House McGraw before, send us an email after you register, and we can give you directions.
Online Registration is Closed

Additional Information:
  • $30 per player
  • Max Teams: 8
  • Check-in: TBD
  • AVP Points
  • 80% payout

After you register, you'll need to pay your team's entry fee to secure your spot.

    - You can either venmo @FulcrumBeach, or use a debit card here: https://cash.me/$FulcrumBeach (note, credit cards will not work).

*Please select Fulcrum Beach as your organization when you register.

Format: New School Meets Old School

  • We're trying something new!
  • Current Standard Court Size (8m x 8m), but we're using Old School Sideout Scoring to 15 (where you have to serve to score).
  • Double Elimination Bracket with an Olympic Crossover for the Semis

We also only have one court available at House McGraw, so to make the best use of everyone's time, we're going to play two matches at once, alternating which match is on the court every other rally.

Once one of the matches finishes, the other match currently playing will finish with the court to themselves before the next wave starts. This way, the closer matches will get to finish at a "normal" pace on their own.

If you haven't tried it before, it flows better than you'd expect. Just ask any of the guys who have tried it in the 512 Beach Open League or played at Kweder's on a Saturday.

Refund policy: 48 Hours Notice.

Livestreaming: We'll be streaming all of the matches on our Youtube channel if you'd like to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu7Ru8d3IWOZjf7Ysnm9erA


Fulcrum Beach

Organization Contact Info: